Weekly Chore Rundown: Vacuuming Day

This is Day 3 of the Weekly Chore Rundown Series.

Check out Day 1, Pantry Day and Day 2 Kitchen Day.

I'm not particularly inspired to talk about vacuuming. What is there to say?

Well, I suppose I can say that I pick up the things on the floor that are easy to move, such as laundry baskets and light chairs. I don't move furniture. I do try to vacuum under it if possible.

If I notice the garbage or recycling is full I empty it. I notice because I'm physically picking it up to vacuum and therefore it is in my hand anyhow.

After I finish a room, I put things back. I don't particularly like putting things back but I do anyhow.

I do have one special trick. We have two rooms with carpets: The bedroom and the den. When I finish one room I go to the kitchen and empty the vacuum cleaner. Ours doesn't require bags but it does require emptying after a few vacuuming sessions, especially with two long haired ladies who don't usually vacuum more then once a week. If I waited until after finishing the second room I wouldn't want to empty the machine. I don't want to anyhow, but after two rooms it needs emptying. It's easier to do it in the middle of the task then at the beginning or the end, because I'm in motion. As a person with ADHD I struggle with  what people call 'finishing details', so it helps to do whatever I can of those details in the middle instead of at the end.

So yep, that's vacuuming day. Unless I get really enthusiastic and vacuum the corners of the main room to catch dust bunnies.
