Day 1 of "28 Days to Hope for Your Home"

Today is the first day of September and I am starting Dana K White's guide to daily habits. I've done this before and it worked. But then thesis and graduation and work and wedding. I'm married now, let's get things under control...hopefully.

Day one is, "Do the Dishes." (White, pg 199)

Deep breath. I can do this. My first thought is "I can do this before I go out today." But no. I don't need to set unrealistic exceptions. I WILL do this by bedtime today. I am able to do this by bedtime today.

My brain of course says to me, "unless something goes wrong."

So, let's think about what can go wrong:

  1. migraine
  2. my hang out with Tara takes longer than expected
  3. My wife is sick and needs to go to the hospital.
  4. More dishes happen
All of these things are possible. But unless #3 happens I think I'm good. I can manage with any of those others.

So I'm going to unload the dishwasher. And then I guess breakfast because you can't work without breakfast.

