Packaged Food and Packages

I've noticed something about convenience food. It has packaging. Packaging.

I have trouble throwing away packaging. In my mind it shouldn't exist. The food is cooked and eaten, so there shouldn't be anything left over. Apparently my lack of belief in it's purpose means I don't throw it away.

I made my wife Kraft Dinner last night. I've noticed in the paste that people who make craft dinner often leave the empty seasoning package and box on the counter and wondered why. Then I saw that I had done it. Somehow even though dealing with garbage is easy it's still more tiring to me then simply putting the spice jar in the cupboard. Throwing away a pizza box is stressful to me because I've added to paper garbage.

That means the more I am stressed and can't use the kitchen the more convenience food there will be and the more convenience food there is the more garbage I need to throw out, which stresses me over and above having a messy kitchen.
