I took a week off weekly chores

It's Sunday today, so I'm calling it a new week. Last week I don't think I did any of my weekly chores at all. I didn't restock the pantry on Sunday, clean the kitchen on Monday, Vacuum on Tuesday or Clean the bathroom on Wednesday, nor did I dusting on Friday. I did do some of my Saturday Admin, but not all of it because I had a friend's wedding to get to.

My wife has been around and together we have been cleaning up the kitchen every day or so. I've been doing my daily chores to some degree, but dishes are piling up again. It also feels like we haven't had enough food for a week. The fridge looked full but I guess that's because there were things that had gone bad and needed to be thrown out taking up space.

The house doesn't look terrible, but it also isn't as neat as I like it. Yesterday a friend commented that their house was never as nice as they liked it. I guess they meant they struggled with an unrealizable standard. But I feel happy when I walk into the kitchen in the morning and the counters are neat. A picked up and wiped down space is pleasant. I don't need to go that far to be happy with my home. But I also have an expectation of how it will look, and that is based on doing the weekly things.
