Friday August 3, a walk to the library

Today my wife and I walked to the library to drop off books and picked up some on housekeeping and backpacking. We also spent our walk discussing the plan for our wedding. We have had a long engagement. Now we are at the 1 year mark, so it is time to start planning. We agreed on what things were most important and when we needed to start working on them. I'm glad to be started on searching out venues and making lists. I admit I am tempted to drop decorations off the list when I look at the cost of a basic venue. But I'm excited nonetheless.

I also needed to keep myself busy because I was feeling down today. As a result I got a lot done. But I also took a lot of down time, so maybe it was not an unreasonable amount to complete.

What Got Done Today

Dusting Day
Dishes: Oh gosh, hours of dishes! We were very much behind. I did the dishes while my wife cleaned the bathroom. Then I did more dishes. We've both been very overwhelmed.
Counter wiping
Stabilising an ikea bookshelf we need a little more life out of via glue and nails. Our house is declared as a no-ikea zone. We don't bring in anything made out of cardboard. But I've had this shelf for a while and I plan to keep it until I've replaced it.
5 Minute Pickup
Greek Lesson 22 & 23.
Martial Arts Practice
Quality time with my wife.
Send off a research proposal

What didn't Get Done
