Books books books books! (Saturday 4th)

I've been working on the hallway recently. Steam cleaning the bedroom and den gave us a chance to re-evaluate those rooms. The kitchen must be a kitchen. But the hallway connected to the kitchen is awkward. I've never really known what to do with it.

My wife has been telling me for a while that we have a little sitting spot there in front of the books, so I decided to embrace that.

Today was a day for books. Yesterday I steadied the old ikea bookshelf that we kept our cookbooks on. Today I filled it with ever so many books. It is my entire library of classical books. I have language textbooks and dictionaries, translations and books in the original language with copious footnotes. One has footnotes in latin. These are my academic books. But we have limited space in our little home and we don't (yet) have a office at work for me to fill with even more books. I filled it with my favourites first. And I got rid of some books I didn't expect to get rid of. It was not a perfect 'Marie Kondo' tidying festival because I only felt true love for a few of the books. Many of them I haven't got to know yet. But I use them. I love Anne Carson. Her translations thrill me. She brings breath into the ancient words, where other translations leave it gasping on the page. But not all my translations are by Anne Carson, and I'm certainly not going to get rid of them simply because they aren't by my very favourite writer. I can read on the computer, but I don't always like it. And even if it isn't Anne Carson it's better then some 18th century rendition of the text that I could find for free online. Once I finished I put my philosophy texts and my wife's psychology texts on the shelf next to it.  I added a little table and put my favourite chair next to the comfy chair she likes to sit in. This gave us a darling little spot to sit together.

My favourite feature is the red box under the table. That's our borrowed book box. I always lose library books, so I decided they live in this red box until they are returned. I've lost far less library books this way.

To Do List

See my wife off for her weekend trip

Remember to eat even though she is away: Breakfast, lunch AND dinner

Greek: I planned to do this but it didn't end up happening. Maybe it's for the best: I probably need a day off.

Martial Arts




5 Minute Pickup

Wipe bathroom counter

Wash the dishes.

What got done

See my wife off for her weekend trip

Remember to eat even though she is away: Breakfast, lunch AND ...

Martial Arts




5 Minute Pickup

Wipe bathroom counter

Wash the dishes.

What didn't get done

Greek: I planned to do this but it didn't end up happening. Maybe it's for the best: I probably need a day off.

Question for readers: How do you find my blog posts? I turned off 'share to google profile' and noticed my views went down, but I'm not sure if these are real views or simply me accidentally pinging myself. I want to post in the way that makes it easiest for you to find a new post whenever it comes out. By the way, if you like email don't forget to subscribe!
