Weekly Chore Rundown: Dusting and Straightening Day

This is Day 6 of the Weekly Chore Rundown Series. Day 5 is my household project day, in which I choose something that needs to be done and do it. So yesterday I took measurements on the bed.

Dusting and straightening is slightly more structured. I go around the house counter clockwise and dust the ceilings. I don't move any objects. I mostly aim to remove cobwebs and moths.

I also set a five minute timer in each room in the house and straighten the room. Today I did a five minute pick up and a little bit of blanket folding in the den.

I'm glad I'm done. The house isn't as neat as I like it, but it is better. It took 20 minutes just to get the kitchen counter into good order, which is double the usual time. But now the counter and the table are wiped down and I can eat my evening snack and get to bed.

Tomorrow will be admin day, which is last in the Weekly Chore Series.

To do list

Drop in Doctor Appt
Return Books
Martial Arts
Daily Chores
Dusting and straightening
Greek103 19-20
Tara for dinner

What got done

Doctor appt
Return Books
Pick up Prescription
Martial Arts
Daily Chores
Dusting and straightening
Greek103 19-20
Tara for dinner

What didn't get done

It actually appears I finished everything today!
