Wednesday July 11, Bathroom Cleaning Day

It's a busy day! I am having friends over for brunch, my wife is home sick, and I have a phone call with an online friend. I want to also do a bunch of work on my summer projects, but I don't know if that will happen,.

A table set for guests.
In the end it turned out that I had mistaken the day. I set a beautiful table and my wife helped with the table settings. Half an hour after 11 my friend reminded me that we had planned for Thursday, not Wednesday.

On the plus side, when I tried to muster the energy to do a five minute pick up I realised that I didn't need to, it's already done! But I did get lots done early in the day because I expected folks at 11am. It seems that you can do a 5 minute pick up just as well in the morning as at night. But as I predicted I didn't get any work done on my summer projects, except working on my cover letter.

To do List

Start Dishwasher and put away dishes
Martial Arts
Daily Hygiene
Bathroom Cleaning
Prepare for guests: Clean up main room and prepare food.
Martial Arts class with my Wife
Revise  cover letter
5 minute pickup
Run dishwasher after meals
Sweep the main room
Check bathroom for clutter

Gold Star (Bonus activities that probably won't get done.)
Greek103 Lesson 11-12
Summer Readings in Latin and Greek

What got done

Start Dishwasher and put away dishes
Martial Arts
Daily Hygiene
Bathroom Cleaning
Prepared food for guests
Revise  cover letter
5 minute pickup
Sweep the main room
Check bathroom for clutter
Vacuumed bedroom and den

What didn't get done

Martial Arts class with my Wife
Run dishwasher after meals (didn't run after dinner)
