Wednesday 25 2018, Interstitial Journaling

I ran across Interstitial Journaling Yesterday so I thought I'd model it here. Frankly I do it already either verbally or in writing whenever I'm stuck, but this method is somewhat specific and seemed like a fun way to do a check-out post.

7am to 9:30am
My wife and I had banana smoothy for breakfast. I headed out at 8:10 to reach school in hopes of getting a drop in appointment to refill one of my meds. Instead I made a booking. Then I went to the library to check out The Zen of Seeing by Franck. It is an art book which was recommended to my Best Friend, who had it recommended by an artist relative. I picked it up when I was at her house and started reading. I try to avoid things with the word 'zen' in them, so I suppose this is my version of light reading.

After checking out the book I was about to dash over to the bookstore and then home. But it's hot today and I hadn't eaten much, so I forced myself to sit down for a minimum of five minutes, just to eat and read. I ate and read, and then I sent an email regarding my honours project and chatted with an old friend online.

Packing up my bags and heading over to the bookstore to see if any of my textbooks are in. It's pretty hot out so I might convince myself to sit down again before heading home. We will sea. At least I've eaten a decent amount now.

9:30am to 10:20pm

I picked up a text book and headed home to rest before lunch.

I set aside my Greek until the afternoon in order to spend some spontaneous quality time with my wife. I did in fact finish the Greek, although it was 7pm by the time I got around to it.

I also spent time on my XML Project. I spent a lot of my time fighting with xbase and then around 10pm pulled the data I needed.

At that point I hadn't done my pickup, check the bathrooms, sweep or finish up the dishes. I did that, which got me to 10:20pm. I realised at that point that I was NOT going to clean the bathrooms today. I completely forgot until 10:15pm, and things have to end at some point.

I also spent time in the park with my wife and our friend,  attempting to initiate a small scouting troop. We learned how to tie climbing knots and identified a hawk. It was warm and there were many bugs and other creatures around, including two hummingbirds waging war on the butterflies. It was idyllic.

I forgot about interstitial journaling until I sat down to post this checkout. I think I will try it again tomorrow
