Tuesday July 24th, The Lumberjanes

After Reading The Lumberjanes Vol 1 my wife started to talk to me about being a scout. I never joined scouts. I thought it was for girls. But my wife did scouts as a kid and when she started reading she started remembering. Apparently Scouts is really cool. I didn't know. I have a lot of skills similar to scouts from my naturalist vocation, but I don't know about knots or building forts or anything like that!

So now we are reading the old scout for boys manual and learning about canvas tents and survival skills and I'm feeling proud of myself for my ability to name various birds.

For now it's just a fun thing we are sharing together, but we are hoping to find a few more friends to bring along. It's nice to have an activity to share, and where we live there is forest everywhere to scout about.

What did I get done today?

  • Vacuumed
  • Summer Project: Greek 103
  • Book an appointment and did some errands downtown.
  • Helped my wife make fried chicken. She is the expert in this area after working as a cook at a chicken restaurant, but I helped out with spices and also did the clean up after she went to bed with a migraine.
  • Mopped the floor, although that was kinda part of the clean up

What didn't get done

  • five minute pick up
  • Check bathrooms for clutter
  • Call with online friend. (It looks like we got our times mixed up.)
