Tuesday July 10, Forgetting to vacuum

9:20am: Today Is vacuuming day, but it's a bigger deal today then usual. We haven't steam cleaned our carpets yet. We've both been busy and doing it on a work day get's in the way. So my plan is to get the bedroom and the den into good condition so that when we are preparing on the steam cleaning day we have as little work to do as possible. That means...more decluttering. I tend to shove things behind the book shelf in the den. There is a little ledge that has become a dumping ground there. It's time to clear off that ledge.

Oh wait. No, it isn't. I doubt we will be steam cleaning until Sunday. Project day is thursday. I should declutter the ledge on thursday. Today I should just vacuum and focus on actually getting a days work in, because I know very well how tiring it can be to declutter.

But frankly I'm also excited to. So I'm gonna do it this way. I'll take five minutes after writing this to clear garbage, just garbage. That's all. Then I've made progress without tiring myself out. No wait, if I have five minutes I can put away laundry for that time, less fun but really necessary as I've been forgetting loads in the dryer again.

Turns out I needed to do the dishes!

10pm: In the end I dealt with the dishes and decluttered the spot. But what did I forget to do? Vacuum! After an entire paragraph about the importance of vacuuming it entirely slipped my mind. I refuse to keep the neighbours up by doing it now, so I guess it won't be happening today.

On the plus side I DID fold all the dry laundry. I've been behind on laundry for the last week. I'm still behind on laundry. But at least there isn't anything clean waiting to be put away. I begin to suspect that putting things away is the hardest thing for me. Dishes, food, laundry. Simply putting things away once they are ready to be put away.

To do list

Martial arts
Morning grooming routine
Put away the laundry (I think I've procrastinated on this for a week now! I tried yesterday but then I got a message saying my friend was on her way, and I didn't look back.)
Call with a friend at 1pm
Greek 103
Latin Summer Reading
Greek Summer Reading
Rough draft of cover letter

What got done

Martial arts
Morning grooming routine
Put away the clean laundry, all of it!
Had my call with a friend.
Did Greek 103
Did a rough draft of my cover letter
Contacted one of my professors regarding my prokect.

What didn't get done

I have an excuse: My wife was feeling quite unwell and I needed to pick her up from the university. That ate into the afternoon. But still, I could have vacuumed rather then doing something else. Generally there is time.

Latin Summer Reading
Greek Summer Reading
