Thursday 19th, Project Day

Today was a small project. Or rather it was two small projects. Or maybe you could say three. But one at least wasn't mine.

My wife and I slept in this morning. I got up before her and realised that our plan to buy walking sticks after my appointment at 1pm wasn't a good idea: I needed time to rest before visiting my Best Friend. So I went to the bedroom and asked if she wanted to go right then. And so we headed to the hardware store at 8:30am to buy walking sticks and linseed oil. Later my wife treated the walking sticks with linseed oil to cure them. That's one of the three projects. The other was a quick google search to find headboard to bedframe adapters. If anyone has a better sense of how these work then I do, please let me know!

The third project I was most excited about. My wife asked me to help her. She wanted her bathroom drawer to look pretty like mine. Now I know part of the reason her drawer is messy is because I would put things in there when I needed to clean the counter, but it was also a spot infrequently decluttered. I've been learning to leave her to work on her spaces. If she needs help she can come to me. But it made me really happy to help.

I poured everything into a laundry basket and took it into the den, along with a shoe box, a garbage and a recycling. While she sorted the harder things I tossed trash and recycling (after checking with her to confirm that these were things she did actually want to throw away of course.) And in the end she now has a bathroom drawer that closes and where things have space to breath.

In the evening I visited my Best Friend and got lots of exciting dry goods and sauces to take home, including some I've been meaning to buy like BBQ sauce and sesame oil.

What did I get done today? Well I don't think I swept, but I'm pretty sure I wiped down the bathroom counter, and I know that both I and my wife ran the dishwasher multiple times. I also know I did not do a five minute pick up, but at 10:35pm I'm going to declare that it is now too late to do one. I also did my language work and admin. Now it is definitely bed time.
