Sunday July 8, Late checkout

I haven't done much at my computer today, but I've done a lot in the house. My Wife and I borrowed my Father-In-Laws Carpet Steamer. We didn't steam the carpets, but we did declutter the bedroom. I got a cute headboard when I finally, at the age of 27, got a real bed. By a real bed I mean something that wasn't just a double mattress on the floor. Up until that point I had insisted that this was best, it was the perfect size for me and I felt safe and cozy. It was NOT the perfect size for me and my Wife. She is over six feet and she did not fit.

The headboard was white and I put little heart prints on it using a potato stamp. It was fun and I liked it, but now it's time for it to go. The bedroom isn't that big and this headboard is deep because of the built in shelves. So I thanked it and posted it online. I hope someone will find it, but otherwise I know it will got to the dump. I'll be a little sad if that has to happen, but it's a lot easier letting this go then I expected. I think it has taught me that sometimes things aren't hard, and that maybe if they are I shouldn't get rid of them. I recently tried to get rid of our love seat, but when I started crying my wife pointed out that I didn't need to. We had a couch, we didn't need a love seat. But I wanted it and it fits in our home, so we kept it. This doesn't fit and I'm ready to let it go, so I'm not keeping it.

What got done today

Visited my dad
Decluttered the bedroom in preparation for removing furniture.
Did a 10 minute kitchen clean.
Washed dishes
Swept the floor
Wiped down the bathroom counter.
Did a 4 minute pickup because 5 sounded too hard.

What didn't get done

I didn't fold the laundry
I didn't wash all the dishes
