Monday July 9, starting off a new week
To do list
- Clean out the fridge (because Monday is kitchen cleaning day, and that's the most important task.)
- Sweep the floor
- Run Dishwasher
- put away the dishes
- Hand wash extras at night to be put away the next morning
- 5 minute pickup
- Check bathrooms for clutter
- Martial arts practice
- Basic Grooming Routine
- Spend time with my Wife and Best Friend
- Finish my newest blog post.
Admin work for fall practicum application.
- Career advisor appt to build a CV
- Tell my references what I need from them
Summer projects
- Greek103
- Latin Summer Reading
What got done
- I started the dishwasher
- I did basic grooming
- Clean out the fridge
- Run Dishwasher
- put away the dishes
- Hand wash extras at night to be put away the next morning
- Martial arts practice
- Basic Grooming Routine
- Spend time with my Wife and Best Friend (We played with lego for over an hour. As an adult who never had any lego as a child it was a great deal of fun for me. My Wife and Best Friend played with lego a lot as children and could tell me what all the special pieces were.
- Career advisor appt to build a CV
- I didn't tell my references what I need from them but I did write up a rough draft that I will review and send tomorrow.
- I also rearranged the bedroom. I put in my Wife's beautiful antique headboard in place of my old pink heart one. I quite like the effect. It feels a lot less complicated, more like a place to sleep.

What didn't
Even though I hand washed I still had more because we hadn't cleaned out the tupperwear in the fridge recently
5 minute pickup
Latin Summer Reading
5 minute pickup
Latin Summer Reading
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