Holiday Adventures: When someone else washes the dishes

My wife and I both have a single habit which starts are day. She swings her legs out of bed and takes her medication. I jump out of bed and run to the kitchen, where I put away the dishes from last nights dishwasher load. If the dishes aren't clean, that's usually ok. I'll load the dishwasher and put away anything that has been air drying.

But right now my wife and I are staying at our friend's house. A lovely couple we are so grateful to be spending our Holiday with. Putting away the dishes in the morning is my job at home. But here there isn't a dishwasher, and one of my friends puts away her dishes as soon as she washes them.

I woke up late. I'm usually up at 7am but today I woke at 9am. I have a headache from sleeping in and I'm a little disoriented. I found myself answering a questions about Hesiod on facebook. As a rule, if I am on facebook first thing in the morning that's a bad sign.

I spent quite a bit of time not really waking up. I didn't take my meds, I didn't eat breakfast, I didn't do my martial arts routine. Why? Because I was out of routine.

After finishing my research on Hesiod and his opinions about women's buttocks I realised that my routine was off. So I went and put away the very few forks and spoons remaining in the drying rack, wiped down the stove, and finally started to wake up.

I appreciate that this routine get's me going in the morning. I also appreciate that it starts me off with a clean kitchen. But I'm going to tinker with it: I don't want to be dependent on doing chores to get me out of bed, because there aren't always chores to do.
