June 26th: Headaches are definitely a symptom of eyesight issues.

I don't have a headache today. I haven't had one all day. This is amazing for me. I have headaches more often then not and a day spent working certainly gives me one. I worked for four hours today without getting a headache. It turns out headaches are a symptom of eyesight issues.

What got done today

The basic chores were mostly but not all done. I didn't run the dishwasher at the right time, and I don't like to run it overnight because it means leaving the sink on overnight. We are a load behind on dishes.

I had a lovely date with my wife. We got some quality time together and even planted some lettuce in the back courtyard. I'm excited to have something in the ground. I regret not planting earlier, but it's good to get started now. The earth felt good on my hands.

I did all of my planned work for the day and I did it before noon! I'm proud of myself and I am going to aim to do so going forward.

I also returned the milk bottles for refund . One of the milk companies in our area has returnable bottles. I love their milk but the bottles start to take over the ledge next to the door if I'm not careful. Now they have gone back into the system to be reused.

What didn't

I didn't do the dishes before bed. I could have hand washed them and I chose not to because it was already passed ten at night.

I also didn't do the vacuuming even though it's Tuesday. I was playing videos past 8pm and then I forgot. I'm upset about this and I'm trying to decide if I want to do it tomorrow. I'd like to get the house cleaned up for the Holiday weekend coming up, so I might come up with a plan to get the chores done before we go.
