June 24th: Procrastinating

Today I thought multiple times of sitting down to write my checkout, and each time I found something else to do. I suspect it is because I had not finished my basic chores for the day. Until I wrote the first few words on this page I had not done my 5 minute pickup and I had not checked the bathrooms.

I have some excuses. And some of those some are valid.

My valid excuse is that as I sat to write the house shook with thunder. I love storms. Summer storms are special to me because they are rare. I miss the rain and the wind on summer days. And the feeling of my feet on warm wet concrete is a pleasure to me.

Strawberry Milkshake from my date today.
So I ran outside to watch for lightening. I didn't see any, but it was worth standing outside to hear the thunder echo down toward the city and then rumble back. There is a summer concert a few blocks away. I could see the lights in the stadium and I could hear the music.  The concert and thunder blended with the rain to make a strange music.

What went well

I did the basic chores. Dishes, sweeping, pickup, checking the bathrooms.

I did my morning martial arts.

I had a lovely date with my wife.

I cleaned the fridge since it is pantry day today and that means fridge cleaning.

I did my Latin and Greek Readings.

What Didn't

I didn't do as much Greek101 as I intended. I fell asleep instead. I am tempted to repeat the lesson again tomorrow. But I will not. I will move on to the next lesson instead.

I took a very long nap probably due to not eating quite enough for breakfast. I think I will try to cut back on these naps, which means cutting back on migraines. Tomorrow I get my new glasses.
