June 21st - Solstice

What Happened

  1.  Dishes, sweeping (I seem to have stopped mopping, but I've also stopped sweeping obsessively, so I think I've won my sweeping battle.). 5 minute Pickup. Checked bathrooms for clutter.
  2. I completed my project. Thursday is project day. I got by services cards set up. Not only that I ran a few errands while I was downtown.
  3. I successfully picked up my best friend from her workplace. It was more challenging then might be expected because a suspicious person had come onto the property and when I arrived I joined her and her coworker in the locked main building to wait for security. 
  4. I did my work for the day! Language, check! More language, check!

What Didn't

  1. I did my Greek 101 but I didn't really understand my Greek 101. Accents are always beyond me.
  2. I didn't take a proper quiet time. I played video games for part of it, which always leaves me feeling behind. I also played video games during part of chore time. I was tired from walking a long way. I need to remember that 6pm is the time to play video games, because I don't have anything scheduled then.
  3. ...Actually today went pretty well!
