June 19th: A smidge of gardening

What went well:

  1.  I did the basics: dishes, sweeping, pickup, check bathroom for clutter.
  2. I did my two hours of work. I finished 10 minutes early! Keep in mind that I have set a quantity of work and a block of time. If I finish early I'm done. If I can't finish I might keep going or I might decrease my workload in the future.
  3. I did my martial arts routine in the back courtyard, which is very pleasant now that I've cleaned it up a bit. I've organised the soaker hose so it only soaks the garden and not me!
  4. I vacuumed the bedroom and the den. My wife helped by picking everything up off the floor in the den so I could vacuum under things.

What didn't:

  1. Breakfast. I procrastinate on meals. I procrastinated today on breakfast. Instead I organised the kitchen. I decluttered some old appliances. I decorated a bit and I cleaned the fridge. Eventually I reduced the quantity of oatmeal I was trying to eat and set a ten minute timers. Timers are my favourite tool for eating. That way I have to sit still for the entire ten minutes. I prepare everything beforehand and then I sit down. It sounds silly, but it works for me.
  2. Apparently coming up with things I didn't do! I guess that's a good day. Ok I reviewed my official list. And I learned I have not...brushed my teeth yet, nor have I washed my face or gone to bed. But those things shell happen in the future.
  3. Oh! I remember. I'm forgetting to plan my outfit/lunch/unscheduled time.


Outfit: Something that doesn't involve much clothing.
Lunch: Rice, vegetables. Maybe some stew.
Unscheduled time: 12:40 to 1:40pm. After that I have to get down to work because I'm busy at 4pm.
