Jun 22: A day at the museum

Things that got done:

I made curry lentils. My wife was disappointed by the lack of rice, but we were both very happy with the result of the lentils. I'm not counting the rice as a failure because I had no intention of making it. I boiled potatoes to have with the lentils instead.

I spent time with a friend
 I spent the late morning and afternoon with my Best Friend who is moving away. We learned how to make cedar woven roses from a very kind teacher at the lekwungen tent at the Indigenous festival. We also explored a historical sight on the museum grounds and wondered through our favourite museum exhibit.

I did some of the basics
I woke at 5 this morning. After laying in bed for 20 minutes I decided to greet the morning. I loaded the dishwasher and started it. There wasn't much to do in the kitchen so I went to the den where I keep my yoga mat. I took it with me and went outside to our little gravel courtyard, our own ugly little space connected to our basement suite. Starting my martial arts practice I could see the morning sun through the neighbouring trees. I said hello, and understood why my wife is a sun worshipper.

I also checked the bathrooms for clutter and may have done a five minute pickup. I just can't remember.

I rested. My period has started and I feel awful. But the positive side of that is I did actually spend time resting. Recently it has been difficulty to sit still, but today I could do it easily because my abdomen felt so bad. I've learned that that is the correct word for the area I call 'my belly.'

Things that didn't get done:

The dishes aren't done. I didn't run the dishwasher at the right time and now we are behind one load. 

No sweeping today that I remember.

I didn't finish my daily study. I managed to do my Greek 101 and my Herodotus but I didn't finish my latin. I decided at 9pm not to force the issue. I'm trying to make it a habit to do things before 4pm. If I get into the habit of doing them after 4pm I'll have a constant problem.
