My biggest problem is I don't practice

Last night I wrote a morning algorithm to address my tendency to do the same things over and over again.

I struggle to practice. Today my fiancee and I were doing martial arts. She is teaching me Hungar. I'm getting better. It turns out all I needed was to practice punching and now I can punch harder.

In high school I used to say, "perfection is a delusion of the mind." I didn't know I was a perfectionist. I do now. I want to be good at what I do. But my brain is so messy. I can't rely on myself to spell words correctly even when I know them. I can't rely on myself to do a task when it needs doing. I'm forgetful, scatterbrained. But maybe I just need to practice differently.

I'm practicing a new morning routine. My goal is to sweep the entire house only once per day, and to remember to do my martial arts practice in the morning instead of at night.

0. I am awake, what do I do?
1. Put away dishes.
2. Sweep Entire House
3. Breakfast
4. Martial Arts (Practice, meditate, write)
