Meal Planning Day

Today my fiancee and I ordered our food for next week. It will arrive tomorrow. I'm hoping I've included enough snacks to get through a week of 9-4 classes. Usually I have three hours of class per day. That might sound leisurely, but until you consider class to course work ratio is 2:1. These coming weeks are going to be very busy.

Today I...
Put away the dishes. All my chores were finished last night so I decluttered the front closet. It turns out there was a bunch of plastic bagging from when our couch arrived. Garbage. Now in the garbage.

My fiancee woke up. I made us banana smoothies. After she hurried out the door for her 9am class I set a timer and remembered to drink my tea and take a break.

I did my daily martial arts practice and then I got ready to go.

Once I got up to school I did my latin, prepared for my quiz, and even had time to meet my fiancee for 15 minutes before class!

This evening I planned out my day tomorrow, did my evening chores (dishes, mopping, check bathrooms, 5 minute pick up of the house.)

I also remembered to check my messages. Also I wrote this! Now all I need to do is plug in my electronics, set my podcast for tomorrow morning, and get to bed.

But since I have no unfinished homework I get to  relax for half an hour before bed. I feel like I'm forgetting something.
