I don't feel like it, I don't want to!

For some reason negative motivation works for me. Maybe saying what I'm feeling out loud allows me to challenge it. Maybe it's a habit trigger to get down to work. Maybe I'm just contrary.

I mean, I know I'm just contrary. But even to myself? Yep, I guess so.

Saying the phrase, "I don't want to!" in a petulant voice leads immediately to me running out of the room and getting started on my evening chores. I literally have to run because I am so grumpy about it that if I let myself slow down I might stop. But it happens.

I got this phrase from the iProcrastinate podcast, "I don't feel like it, I don't want to."

When I started washing the dishes every single night, sweeping the floor, taking out the compost, as a thing I HAD TO DO NO MATTER WHAT I never wanted to. Most often I still don't. But that's what ADHD is like. I don't want to do the chores. I also don't want to read my favourite book or spend time with people I like. I'm just a contrary person. Sometimes I even enjoy it once I'm there! It's more common with the people and books, but chores can be fun.

It is valuable to let our feelings guide us. I try to do this. But I've learned from experience that this particular feeling occurs when I am doing things that matter to me. I could use cognitive behavioural therapy to work this thought out of my mind, but instead I use to tell when I need to move fast to escape paralysis.
